Sunday, July 15, 2012

Oh Yeah... I'm a Grown Up With Nasty Growths Called Responsibilities

Today was luxurious. I went to work at a god-forsaken early hour, but the restaurant was dead so I had eight hours to mostly daydream while I cleaned some and randomly making a sandwich or two. When I got off, I went grocery shopping, ran a short errand, and was home by five. Here my luxury heightened. I felt free. It’s summer. I’ve already graduated college. I don’t start graduate school for another four weeks. FREEDOM!!! So, I lazed around the house and surfed the web for natural, green, homeopathic recipes because I’m a granola girl. The whole time I felt utterly guiltless and carefree…. It was heavenly… There wasn’t a thing I could bring to my mind that I needed to accomplish – And then my parents came by to drop off milk. (It’s lovely. Kind of like having a milkman drop milk at your doorstep.)

The conversation went something like this.

“Hello dear, you’re looking lovely in your oversized college sweats with your hair piled on top of your head. What have you been up to today?”

“Hello, Father. I’ve been surfing the Internet for four hours feeling burden-less and fancy-free. Thank you for the milk.”

“That sounds lovely, indeed, daughter, but shouldn’t you be writing? Don’t you need to finish three short stories in the next four weeks? Haven’t you been planning to work on them all summer? Haven’t you been procrastinating?”

Drat. Lovely carefree laziness over.

Despite the post I uploaded a few days ago about dedication and perseverance and commitment, I still struggle – in a major way – to buckle down and write each day. I make excuses, book plans, and sometimes just forget. Or, like today, I sometimes want to release my creativity in other ways. I’m very crafty. I’m also volatile, Anxious, and given to mood swings. Hands-on creativity has a calming effect on me. I swear, it’s better than Xanax. All of that aside, though. I’m still a writer and that means I need to write. Every day… or at least several times a week… right?

I thought I would share this post because I have a feeling all creative people have to struggle sometimes to commit to work when the mood isn’t striking them.

Thanks, Dad, for giving me a kick in the right direction.

If anyone reads this and you have an experience to share, leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you!

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