Hi all,
As you may have noticed, I have not posted to this blog since I moved and started graduate school. Frankly, I have been on a ride of insanity that is only just beginning (in the next week, perhaps) to calm down.
Over the last semester I have gone through a lot a changes, made a lot of mistakes, and learned a lot about myself and my work. There will be more details in the days to come. Until then, please enjoy the little post below:
My whole working life I have had to deal with feeling trapped and strangled at work. Not physically strangled, of course. It's a metaphor. Relax.
Now back to my topic... I have always felt trapped and it's caused me anxiety and stress, which I had trouble dealing with. Now, since I work longer hours than ever, I feel this even more. The following concepts are a pastiche of visualization tools from a variety of sources but I thought I would share them with you, because they work.
1) Think for a moment about the concepts of having space, freedom
and peace. What images come to mind? Do you think of the beach? A
trip to the lake? Being at church? Being alone at home?
2) Now select an object that you will can carry with you that will act as a touchstone of sorts to help you revisit that emotion state of peace. It can be a memento, a picture of your vacation spot, a stuffed animal, etc.
Hold the selected object in your hands, while you think about having
space, freedom and peace. Visualize those positive emotions flowing into the object.
5) Anchor it in your mind by saying out loud I have space, freedom and peace while holding your object.
6) Carry the object with you. Several times a day, or when you start to feel tired, angry or
depressed, touch this object and say to yourself I have space, freedom and peace. It only takes a few seconds, but it will tell your mind to focus and maintain calm.
7) Pay attention to how you feel after this exercise. Any sense of relief is an improvement.
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